Official announcement

On 10 june 2008, Profoss will organise the event titled "OpenOffice in the enterprise", with the goal to inform IT professionals about the advantages and risks involved in deploying this office suite. The format of the event will be different from previous Profoss events as activities will take place in the afternoon from 14:00 to 18:00. Speakers and talks will still be of high quality, bringing informative, non-commercial information that is of direct interest for the participants.

Sed in arcu. Curabitur vel diam. Cras felis eros, gravida vel, vehicula ut, aliquam in, mi. Donec ante tellus, ultrices in, iaculis ac, fermentum at, massa. Nam augue dui, dapibus in, facilisis nec, condimentum eu, metus. Sed ut mauris. Nulla augue. Nunc eu eros id est consequat viverra. Donec a urna non sem rutrum imperdiet. Morbi scelerisque lacus sed erat dictum tempus.

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